A controversial character largely known (as depicted in the movie Glory) as a Union colonel who led Black soldiers in the Civil War, James Montgomery waged a far more personal and radical war against slavery than popular history suggests. It is the true story of this militant abolitionist that Todd Mildfelt and David D. Schafer tell […]
In this new class, we'll explore this powerful, free website. We'll discuss how to navigate the site to find additional family members and how to collaborate with others by adding new memorials and photos. Space is limited; please register in advance. Registration is $15 for Watkins members, $25 general admission. or by calling the Watkins […]
Don't miss your chance to meet bestselling author Tom Clavin as he discusses his latest book, The Last Outlaws: The Desperate Final Days of the Dalton Gang. Copies will be available for purchase and author signing courtesy of our partners at the Raven Bookstore! This event will be held in-person at the Watkins and also […]
Join us at the Watkins Museum for classes based on Lawrence and/or Douglas County History. Topics will be explored using hands-on activities, art projects, and will be multi-subject when appropriate. Parents may attend class, or this can be a drop-off program. Time: 10:30-11:30 AM Enrollment: Students may enroll for the entire school year, or they may enrollmonthly. You […]